News and Articles

Common Website Mistakes: Part 1

Tina Hutzelman

We’ve audited many websites over the years. During that time, we’ve seen many companies make the same mistakes.

Today we'll look at five common ones we see: not having a mobile-friendly site, not keeping the site up to date, having walls of text, not having a contact form, and not displaying their credentials.

Five Key Steps to Improving the Cybersecurity of Your Business

Tim Summers

Unfortunately, there’s no way to provide 100% complete protection from hackers and spammers. But don’t despair, that’s no reason to throw out all the computers and go back to paper and pencil. There are recommended best practices for businesses to follow that can help better protect your network, your Windows devices, and your business-critical data.

2A Friendly Marketing Holiday Schedule

Tim Summers

Our office will be closed on the following dates in observance of the holidays. Emergency support will be available on these dates via phone and remotely over the Internet. All non-emergency topics will be addressed on our next regular business day.


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